How do I check if I am ordering the right tyres?

Checking all four current tyres on your vehicle is very important as it will avoid delays and save you money. Use the below checklist to ensure your order is correct.

  • Do you have two different tyre sizes on your vehicle? Double check your front and rear tyres to see if you have different sizes.

  • Does your vehicle need RunFlat Tyres? Check if your vehicle has an "RFT" "MOE" on the tyre sidewall. Check out our help centre article on runflats

  • Do you need Commercial or Light Truck tyres? These will have the letter "C" or "LT" written in the size on the sidewall of your current tyres. Check out our help centre article on runflats  

  • Does your current tyre size on your vehicle match your ordered size? When you are looking at your tyres on your vehicle, check to make sure that your Width, Profile, Rim, Load and Speed rating match. Check out our help centre article on finding your correct size here


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